Pam Combs
The position of City Secretary is a statutory position required by State law and is appointed by the City Council to serve in various capacities.
The responsibilities of the City Secretary include:
- Provision of administrative support to citizens, Mayor, Council, and City staff
- Processing of public information requests
- Keeping of the City Seal
- Publishing of all required legal notices of the City
- Oversight of a records management program for the City that provides for the identification, maintenance, retention, security disposition, and preservation of City records
- Assistance in oversight of certain City staff and departments
- Assistance in the land development and zoning processes
- Attendance of all meetings of the city council and the keeping of accurate records of all actions taken by the City Council
- Serve as the election official for all City elections
- Attest to contracts, assessment certificates, and other legal instruments when executed by the authorized officers of the City
- Oversight of updates to the City’s code of ordinances