Language Access Plan

Effective communication is critical to ensuring understanding, empowering all citizens, and providing high-quality services. A language access plan can help ensure that an organization provides high-quality and appropriate language services. A language access plan can also help ensure that an organization’s staff members are aware of what to do when an individual with limited English proficiency needs assistance. This plan identifies ways that The City of Bruceville-Eddy utilizes this language access plan to ensure persons with limited English proficiency have meaningful access to its programs.

The policy of the City of Bruceville-Eddy is to provide language access services to populations of persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) who are eligible to be served or likely to be directly affected by its programs. Such services will be focused on providing meaningful access to City programs, services, and/or benefits.

Any individual eligible for programs/services at the City of Bruceville-Eddy who cannot speak, read, write, or understand the English language at a level that permits them to interact effectively with City staff has the following rights:

  • A right to qualified interpreter services at no cost to them.
  • A right not to be required to rely on their minor children, other relatives, or friends as interpreters.
  • The right to file a grievance about the language access services provided to them.

LEP Analysis

The City of Bruceville-Eddy has determined that the language, other than English, that is most likely to be encountered by employees of the City is Spanish. Spanish is also the language most commonly spoken at home by City of Bruceville-Eddy residents who are Limited English Proficient (LEP). The methodology used to make this determination is as follows: According to data from the United States Census Bureau and World Population Review, 82.5% of Bruceville-Eddy residents speak only English, while 17.5% speak other languages. The non-English language the largest group speaks is Spanish, which is spoken by 28.3% of the population. Therefore, the City will review and begin translating all vital documents into Spanish.

The City of Bruceville-Eddy will continue to periodically monitor the LEP population of those served or those who could be served by the City. If additional groups are seeking benefits/services or are potentially eligible to receive benefits/services, the City will adjust its methods and services to serve the new population accordingly. Any new LEP populations will be reflected in an updated version of the LEP plan.

Language Assistance Measures and Available Resources


The City, at no cost to LEP individuals, will provide interpreter services to all LEP individuals applying for, participating in programs, or receiving services/benefits through the City. The interpreter services are provided in an efficient and timely manner so as not to delay a determination of eligibility for an individual or family, receipt of eligible services/benefits, or participation in City-run programs beyond that of an English-speaking individual or family.

The City does not require, suggest, or encourage LEP individuals to use friends, family members, or minor children as interpreters. If an LEP individual insists that a friend or family member serve as an interpreter, that choice is documented. The City will then, on a case-by-case basis, consider factors such as the competence of the family or friend used as the interpreter, the appropriateness of the use in light of the circumstances, and the ability to provide quality and accurate information, especially if the interview could result in a negative effect on the individual.

In no case does the City allow a minor child to act as an interpreter for an LEP individual.

The City addresses telephone calls and voicemails by LEP individuals in the following manner: Spanish-speaking employees are available at City of Bruceville-Eddy and will be utilized to translate calls or voicemails. The City provides free language services, such as qualified foreign language interpreters and information written in other languages, to ensure meaningful access to programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency.

Written Translation of Documents

As a result of our analysis which indicates that 28.3% of Athens residents are Spanish-speaking, the City will begin the process of determining which documents are vital and begin translating those documents into Spanish as required.