Tax and Budget

Publics Hearing for The 4.19% is a comparison of the M&O tax rates and the 4.31% is a comparison in the total tax rate.
The City of Bruceville-Eddy
will hold a meeting at 6:30 pm
on September 9, 2021 at
Bruceville-Eddy City Hall
Council Chambers, 144 Wilcox
Drive, Eddy, TX 76524 to
consider adopting a proposed
tax rate for tax year 2021. The
proposed tax rate is $0.500000
per $100 of value.
The proposed tax rate would
increase total taxes in City of
Bruceville-Eddy by 4.31%
Bruceville-Eddy Notice of Tax Rates finalBruceville-Eddy City Certified Tax Rate Worksheet finalBruceville-Eddy City Budget Cover Page
Bruceville-Eddy small ad 8-27
Bruceville-Eddy calculation
Bruceville-Eddy Adoption LetterBruceville-Eddy Adoption Tax Rate Steps
Bruceville-Eddy Notice of Tax Rate Adopted
Bruceville-Eddy City Certified Tax Rate Worksheet final
Bruceville-Eddy Notice of Tax Rates final