When is the current deadline for the sewer project to break ground?
Undetermined -contingent on time necessary for acquisition of lift station sites and plan approval by TCEQ and USDA RD. 10-16-2019
When is the current deadline for the sewer project to be completed?
According to USDA RD, all funds must be disbursed by September 2023. 10-16-2019
Where is the location of the wastewater treatment plant?
264 Bruceville Lane (Property ID #106280) 10-16-2019
What type of wastewater treatment will the city use?
City Council selected Natural System (Ponds) and was approved by USDA RD in the Preliminary Engineering Report.10-16-2019
I live OUTSIDE city limits. Am I required to connect to the sewer?
No 10-16-2019
I live OUTSIDE city limits. Will I be billed for sewer?
No citizens outside of the city limits will not be required to pay for sewer as they will not be on the system. 10-16-2019
If my home requires a grinder pump, who will be responsible for maintenance and repairs?
The council has not determined as this time 10-16-2019
Who is at fault and responsible for repairing my home if a grinder pump breaks and causes sewage to back-flow into my home, causing damage?
The council has not determined as this time 10-16-2019
Am I required to do anything with my septic tank once I am connected to sewer? If so, what am I required to do and who pays for it?
Citizens may have to have their septic pumped and filled. More information will be provided later. 10-16-2019
I live INSIDE city limits. Am I required to connect to the sewer?
Yes per the USDA letter of intent. 10-16-2019
Is there going to be any increase in taxes to cover the sewer project?
No, there will not be an increase in taxes. 10-10-2019
Is sewer mandatory for all citizens living within the city limits of Bruceville-Eddy?
Yes, per the USDA letter of intentions item 1 all citizens residing in the city limits is required to be on the public sewer system.10-10-2019
Will citizens have to pay a monthly fee for sewer?
Yes, there will be a monthly fee. 10-10-2019
How much will citizens be paying monthly for sewer?
We will not have exact numbers until the bidding has been done. 10-10-2019
When will citizens begin paying the monthly fee for sewer?
Citizens will not be billed UNTIL they are hooked up and services are being used. 10-10-2019
When will citizens be required to hook up to the sewer?
Council has not voted on a specific time frame, but it is estimated to be within 30 days of the sewer system up and running.10-10-2019
What options will citizens have if they live far from the street and sewer line expense is not covered by the city?
The council is working to find solutions.10-10-2019
What options do citizens have if it comes down to having a cost? Is the city not going to give the citizen an option?
The council is working to find solutions. Some options may be the city pay for a certain amount of sewer line and the citizen pay a portion. Another option may be having a policy for exempt customers under extreme circumstance. These are NOT set in stone but are some ideas.10-10-2019
What is the tap fee for sewer?
At this time the tap fee has not been determined.Citizens who reside in city limits and signed up for sewer at the time of bid will be provided a tap at no cost.(existing customers only)10-10-2019
Will the city pay off the sewer loan sooner than expected?
it is highly unlikely the loan will be paid off sooner than expected.10-10-2019
Will sewer fees increase over time?
Sewer fees will be based amount usage. The fees are not expected to increase unless there is a large inflation due to cost of living.10-10-2019
How far off the road do you have to be to be considered exempt from getting on the sewer system?
City Council is working on answering this question soon.10-10-2019
Will we be required to pump and drain our septic systems?
Citizens may have to have their septic pumped and filled. More information will be provided later.10-10-2019
What kind of warranty do we have on the sewer system in the event something breaks or goes wrong?
There will be a one-year warranty on the project. There are latent defect conditions if something happens if the contractor did something that causes the system to have a defect. If there is something that is done by Tabor Engineering that is not correct the company will pay for repairs.10-10-2019
Will we be required to sign up for service with an application?
Yes, citizens living within city limits will be required to sign up for sewer services within a time-frame to be determined by council later. 10-10-2019