Winter Storm Assistance

Winter Storm Assistance

Mayor Bass issued a declaration of emergency/disaster on February 16, 2021.

Mayor Bass is exercising his rights as the mayor to waive ALL permit fees for repairs required by the winter storm during this hardship.

All permit fees have been waived and are not required.

Also, Mayor bass has permitted me to assist citizens with FEMA documentation to apply for reimbursement and assistance.  Anyone needing help, please call 254-859-5700 to set up a time.  I will gladly assist in any way I can.  I am available after hours every day except for Monday and Thursday.

Anyone that does not have internet or a computer can set up an appointment to come to city hall. We have a laptop set up.

City hall will also print, fax, or email any documents to apply for assistance free of charge.

Please visit


Anyone that experienced water leaks is encouraged to contact the water department to make arrangements.  We will be lowering the fees to the lowest possible expense to help the citizens during this hardship.  254-859-5700


I want to express my gratitude to the many men and women in the community that came together to render aid to those in need. Opening their homes to strangers, providing free hot meals, delivering fire food free of charge, pulling people out of ditches, and the list goes on and on. A special thank you to the folks that gave portable heaters to citizens. Many of these actions were done without anyone knowing or any expectations of gratitude. One citizen recently had back surgery but was out there working hard to protect and serve others. I thank every one of you for the services you provided! The water crew braved the frigid temperatures keeping the wells up and running. The endless hours they drove turning off meters to help citizens salvage their water lines.

I am so proud to be the city administrator of such a wonderful community! I am proud of the city staff for giving all they could to help keep the community going.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!