Cancelled May 14, 2020 City Council Meeting

Cancelled May 14, 2020 City Council Meeting

Good afternoon,

The Mayor after seeking legal representation of the city attorneys has determined it is in the best interest of all citizens to cancel the May 14, 2020 City Council meetings. There were many citizen complaints about the telephonic meeting.

June 11, 2020 will have all May and June agenda items. This meeting will be held as an open meeting.

“In accordance with guidance from DSHS Commissioner Dr. Hellerstedt, and to achieve the goals established by the President to reduce the spread of COVD-19, every person in Texas shall, except where necessary to provide or obtain essential services or reopened services, minimize social gatherings and minimize in-person contact with people who are not in the same household. People over the age of 65, however, are strongly encouraged to stay at home as much as possible; to maintain appropriate distance from any member of the household who has been out of the residence in the previous 14 days; and, if leaving the home, to implement social distancing and to practice good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation.”